Signed in as:
Signed in as:
BIS Ryazan Perdita of Hillohawks.
RBIS CH Araura Rolls Royce
BPIS Ricanova Moulin Rouge
BOSP Serenfol Andres
BVIS Donskoi Nochka of Enolam
Veteran Dog or Bitch
1.DonskoiNochka of Enolam
2. Kanoo, Nibrass Silver Stelae
3.Newsham, Pretty sally Ann at Zercark
4,Andrew, Donskoi Chara at Dolsaca
Puppy Dig or Bitch
1.Moran, Ricanova Moulin Rouge
2.Devereaux & Donnelly, Serenfol Alicia
3.Hughes & Bradley, Serenfol Andres
4. Moran & Kelsey, Ricanova Mack and Mabel
5.Donnelly, Serenfol Aleejandro
Junior Dog or Bitch
1.Graham, Dashava Sochi
2.Donnelly,Serenfol Amelia
Graduate Dog.
1.Masterman, Nibrass King Wilfric of Santerman
2.Jackson, Harropine Odin
3.Wheatley, Russkiy Azart Ambassador Reality Rondo
Post Graduate Dog.
No Entries
Limit Dog.
1.Kanoo, Nibrass Roger Fitzempress
2.Odell, Donskoi Dark Lord at Cotarinn
3.Ellett, Nibrass Celebration Tea
4.Andrew, Dolsaca Macchiato
Open Dog.
1.Allen, Araura Rolls Royce
2.Morgan, Dolsaca Cappuccino over Quarenta
3.Newsham, Scheztaya Papa was a Rolling Stone at Zercark
Special Beginners dog
no entries
Graduate Bitch.
1.Masterman, Quarenta's Life's a Dream with Santerman
2.Matthews, Sukeshi Funny Face with Moonshadow
Post Graduate Bitch.
1.Conroy, Quarenta's Lifes First Love at Enolam
2.Sukeshi Funny Face at Moonshadow
Limit Bitch.
1.Allen, Araura's Tigers eye
2.Datta, Nibrass Hail Aurora
3.Kanoo, Nibrass Eleanore Reginae
Open Bitch.
1.Eardley, Ryazan Perdita of Hillohawks
2.Odell, Sukeshi Shiggy Bops
3.Graham, Dashava Cordelia
4.Newsham, Donskoi Tula at Zercark
Special Beginners Bitch.
1.Nibrass Hail Aurora
2.Sukeshi Funny Face at Moonshadow
Kanoo Brace
ank the exhibitors for such a large, and quality entry. A real joy, and much appreciated.I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to the NBA and its committee for inviting me judge their open show. It is both an honour ad a privilege. I would like to thVeteran D/B (4) 1st & BVIS Conroy’s Donskoi Nochka of Enolam, stunning 7 yr old self black bitch. Real favorite of mine, shown in superb condition. Shows classic lines and breeding. Excellent depth of rib, good length of loin, and very nicely angulated. Covered the ground effortlessly. This lady really does have great elegance and presence, and, in my opinion, has been sorely overlooked in her career. 2nd - Kanoo’s Nibrass Silver Stelae, 9yr old white & brindle lady. Very graceful girl, beautifully proportioned, and moving very well, not showing her age today! Well filled in eye, and very nice lay of shoulder. 3rd - Newsham’s Scheztaya Pretty Sally Ann at Zercark.Puppy D/B (6) have to say, this class was an absolute delight to behold. Any of these babies could, and will, change places many times. They all have real quality and potential, what an encouraging future. I shall look forward to their progress.1st - Moran & Kelsey’s, Ricanova Moulin Rouge Moost striking 8mth red bitch. Stunning head with well filled in eye, beautiful expression. Moved very well when settled. Very nice angulation, good length, feminine girl, certainly shows great promise. 2nd - Devereaux & Donnelly’s Serenfol Alicia, 7mth brindle & white bitch. Excellent rear angulation. Very good bone. Nice depth of chest and length of loin. Lovely dark eye, with a very nice expression. Pretty baby. 3rd & BPD Hughes & Bradley Serenfol Andres.Junior D/B (3) 1st -Graham’s Dashava Sochi, 13mth old red & White boy, who unfortunately decided to give his handler hard time. However, he has absolutely superb bone, and real quality. Very nice head &eye, excellent pigment, nice veining. Enjoying his day a little too much, difficult to access movement. Would prefer slightly more length of loin to be picky. 2nd – Donnelly’s Serenefol Amelia. 7mth red & white bitch. Close decision here as she really is a lovely girl, but again, having lots of fun moving! Exquisite angulation, and, when stood, was absolutely stunning, however, difficult to access movement, though I see a very bright future when she matures, lovely baby.Graduate Dog – (6) 1st Masterman’s Nibrass King Wulfric of Santerman 2yr old mahogany brindle & white boy. Absolutely super head and veining – just my type. In wonderful condition. Beautiful profile and arch .Correct dentition and bite. Excellent lay of shoulder and really reaches out in front. Rear movement could be better. 2nd – Jackson & Shaw Harropine Odin. 21 mth old cream & white boy. A little immature at present, but plenty of time on his side. Good fill of eye and veining. Nice length of loin, and good rear angulation. Very well presented and handled.Post Graduate Dog - 1) abs.Limit Dog – (5)1st & RBD Kanoo Nibrass Roger Fitzempress 2yr old brindle & white male. A little playful on the move today, but settled quickly and moved out very well. Excellent length of body, and depth of chest. Very good angulation. Nice dark eye. A little plain in the head, but altogether a really nice dog, good and honest. 2nd - Odell’s Donskoi Dark Lord at Cotorinn, 2yr old self black of super type – just needs a little more time to mature. Classic head and veining. Good infill of eye. Good rear excellent fallaway. Very nice dog, would like to see him when mature. 3rd – Ellet’s Nibrass Celebration TeaOpen Dog – (5) 1st BD & RBIS - Allen’s Ch Aurora Rolls Royce 5yr old self red male, and very difficult to overlook. Certainly worthy of his title. Presented beautifully. Excellent well defined head, beautiful eye, really good veining. Correct bite. Very nice length, with good depth of chest also. Good angulation, nice shoulders. Covers the ground with ease. Certainly fills the eye, a very nice dog indeed. 2nd – Morgan’s Dolsaca’s Cappuccino Over Quarenta 6yr old red & white male. Has a Lovely expression. Very nice head, good veining. Very good lay of shoulder. Good second thigh, Moved out very well. Goodsound, dog. 3rd - Newsham’s Scheztaya Papa was a Rolling Stone at Zercark.Special Beginners Dog – no entriesGraduate Bitch (2) 1st & RBB Masterman’s Quarenta’s Life’s a Dream with Santerman Absolutely beautiful 3yr old red & white bitch. Most striking indeed when stood and certainly doesn’t disappoint. Stunning outline, excellent angulation, fills the eye. Very classic type, sweet expression, good eye. Correct dentition. Very elegant and graceful bitch, a pleasure to watch, covers the ground with syle. 2nd – Matthews Sukeshi Funny Face with Moonshadow, 2yr old white & sable bitch, who I have to say was unlucky today, missing out on maturity, as she is a super type, and I would really love to see her in another 6 mths. Played up a little for her owner, shows great promise. Very well proportioned, excellent rear angulation. Nice length. Very nice shoulders, giving excellent front extension and movement.Post Graduate Bitch (3) 1st - Conroy’s Quarenta’s Life’s First Love at Enolam, Striking 3yr old red & white bitch. Very elegant and nicely matured. Excellent front extension, showing good shoulders. Nice length and arch. Good loin, and very good rear angulation. Very feminine lady, lots to like about her. 2nd – Matthews Sukeshi Funny Face with Moonshadow.Limit Bitch (4) 1st, Allen’s Aurora Tigers Eye 5yr old self brindle girl. Showing great maturity in this class, and really moved well. Very elegant and classy lady. Excellent rear angulation and good fallaway. There is a lot to like here. Excellent second thigh good depth of chest. 2nd - Datta’s Nibrass Hail Aurora, very beautiful 3yr old black & white bitch. Completely out of coat today, which did not detract at all, merely emphasised how good this girl is. Beautiful head and profile. Moving very well, covers the ground with ease. In good condition, a credit to her owner. Nice girl. 3rd- Kanoo’s Nibrass Eleanore Reginae.Open Bitch (4) 1st BB & BIS- Eardley’s Ryazan Perdita of Hillowhawks, 5yr old self red bitch. Really super type – hitting maturity beautifully. Very elegant, has a regal look to her. Effortless movement. Strong, yet feminine. Super length of body, excellent loin and fallaway. Nice angulation. Very good depth of chest. Very good shoulders, reaches out well, and has excellent rear drive on the move. In superb condition. Handled and presented beautifully. 2nd – Odell’s Sukeshi Shiggy Bops 2yr old black & white bitch. This girl is really beautiful, she must have a very bright future. Superb angulation, excellent forequarters, and very good loin. Nicely arched. Really exquisite head and a good, dark, eye. Has a beautiful expression. Moves out really nicely. 3rd – Graham’s Dashava Cordelia.Special Beginners Bitch (2) 1st Datta’s Nibrass Hail Aurora, 2nd Matthews Sukeshi Funny Face with MoonshadowBrace (3) 1st KanooElizabeth Collinson (Hogsmeade)
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